Books I’m Reading/On Tap to Read

I have so many books on hand, much more than I am sharing, but here are a few of them. My Bible is not included. That is my regular and necessary food. Some I have started but not finished, some I’ve read more than once. Most have been personally recommended to me either through my pastors, other ministries I listen to, and other writings.

These are not listed in order of importance or most favorite.


  • The Justification of God: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Romans 9:1-23, 2nd ed.

          Uses a lot of Greek words, terms.

  • Contemporary Worship Music: A Biblical Defense
         Very, very interesting. This was recommended at a gospel conference.
          Excellent book. I believe that I have read at least twice.
  • Freedom of the Will
         One I’ve also started and must finish.
  • Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God  -     By: J.I. Packer
          I have read twice.
  • On Being Black and Reformed: A New Perspective on the African-American Christian Experience
         Very interesting and helpful read.
  • I’ve started this, but it is massive. It is a book recommended by John Piper.
  • Recommended to me by one of my pastors as I was struggling with differences.
    Also recommended by same pastor. I don’t think that I finished. Must do.
    On Christian doctrine.
    Illustrating why the disciplines are important for growth.
    Purchased because of my concern for the Black church.
    A must read. It took me a while, but I will read again. A classic.
    Addresses trusting, reading and applying the Bible.
    Restoring the towering Christian concept of God.
    Addresses common objections to Christianity.
    Delighting in God as a duty.
    Response to Norman Geisler’s Chosen But Free.
    The study of God. A classic.
I have many more, some of which I will post soon!

7 thoughts on “Books I’m Reading/On Tap to Read

  1. Hello. I came from the COmmunity Pool. I think this is your second post: but pages are different from posts. This page has a link at the top, which will remain unless you learn how to edit a menu. The forums are a good place to ask such questions.

    I would like to know what you think of these books. The concept of election and free will together is complex: how do you understand it?

    God bless you.


    1. Thanks for visiting my site! I plan on omitting the first book, Chosen But Free, as I only read the very first pages and concluded it was an attempt to reconcile the two, when I don’t believe it is reconcilable. Romans 9, Ephesians 2, John 6.

      I hope to get my issue regarding my lost blog post and menus soon.

      God bless you too!


    2. Clare Flourish – I do hope that you get this. I just reviewed this page and realize that I didn’t fully address your question regarding election. Yes, it is hard to understand if you don’t begin with God being Sovereign over all, including his creation, man. God expects complete obedience and once Adam sinned, all men born thereafter born in sin, and unable to please God. So while we have a free will, our free will does not change our sin nature. We sin. It is what we do. The Bible says that there is none righteous. We are born dead in our sins and trespasses. God gave the Ten Commandments which further demonstrate that we could not keep, so offerings and sacrifices for atonement for sins were used, but they were meant to point to our Perfect Sacrifice, Jesus Christ who would bear the sins of all who would believe in him.

      All who would believe are those who God determined before the foundations of the world would be saved. So, like Christ was raised from the dead, by grace are we made alive in Christ through the gospel and drawing of the Holy Spirit who awakens us. I see it as one day being opened to a new dimension having not been seen before. We then see our sin, repent, seek forgiveness because we then realize God’s holiness, and desire to please and honor him.

      There is a good book that helps with understanding free will and God’s Sovereignty, it is called God Sovereign and Man Free by N.L. Rice. Knowing salvation is of the Lord has made me so grateful and humble to know that I am secure in Christ. It makes me want to please him, and have him Lord of my life.

      Again, I am so sorry, I did not address this when you asked. I may have been too new at this and was just glad to get comments.

      Liked by 1 person

So, what do you think?