My Year in Review

As I say goodbye to 2018, I reflected this morning by looking at my prayer/Bible  journal,  seeing while I do see God’s faithfulness in molding, conforming me to the image of his Son, which I recognize is a lifelong process, much of what I am seeking, and praying to God for, will continue into this new year, 2019.

This year I sought to grow spiritually, deepening my knowledge of God, and an even deeper growing affection for the Lord, as I stand in awe of what he’s done for me through Christ.

To aid me in my growing knowledge, besides my regular attendance with the saints of God in church, I participated in an in-depth Bible Study Methods class. This class lasted a few months and was intense. I felt as if I was in a college course.

I participated in our church’s scripture memorization of Colossians. Yes, the whole book of Colossians. To me, unheard of, memorizing whole books. Fortunately, a few ladies at my church were beginning to memorize the book of James. I did memorize the first chapter of James, then went on to Colossians. So far, I have memorized chapters 1 and 2. I am currently on Chapter 3. I have memorized verses 1-15.

I served as a speaker for our church’s Ladies Retreat, which required preparation of four lessons. Our theme was Ladies Grab Your Mirror! Looking To Become a True Reflection of Christ, based on 2 Corinthians 3:18. This, while stressful, was extremely rewarding to me to see God help me as I depended on him through prayer.

Today, I completed my first half of the McCheyne’s 2-Year Bible Reading Plan. Following plans in the past was not successful for me, but this time in my life it is working. I love reading through the Bible. I really enjoy reading the Old Testament seeing how God’s love and patience is displayed along with his matchless wisdom. I see God’s sovereignty all through it.

Completing three books were a real feat for me because I usually have more than one I am reading, but this year I managed to start and complete The Vanishing Conscience, by John MacArthur, Mortification of Sin by John Owen, and I finally completed Shadow of the Almighty by Elisabeth Elliot.

I decided to go gray this year. Yayyyy! It was going well, I got my hair cut to speed it up, and then I really began to struggle with it. So, guess what? I gave up! I ordered my Madison Reed dye box and well… I was back to black! My hair has been a real journey.

Walking away from my political party which comprised my whole voting life was huge! I talk about this experience in Leaving and Cutting My Ties Was Freeing.

This year I continued with my only physical activity of brisk walking, but sometime after doing 4-milers for years, someone from my church challenged me to step it up to 5. So I did. But as quickly as I got comfortable in my 5-miler routine, I was challenged again, and I bumped it up to doing 6-milers now five days a week. I regularly post my walks on Facebook.

We did a first time family vacation at Clear Lake with my children and their families. This is something my husband and I would like to do again.

My daughter treated me to a Stevie Wonder concert in Las Vegas. It was a fun mother/daughter trip. I actually was afraid that given he’s getting older, that his performance wouldn’t be up to par, but he was great!

This year has been a true journey. There have been many ups, but there were also crying out moments to God for help. My faith is still strong, because I know in whom I believe. I believe in the one who is Creator God and he reigns over all things, so I never need to fear my future. I am his child. He is watching over me, and will see to it that I complete this journey.

So, I close out this year, grateful.


9 thoughts on “My Year in Review

  1. Happy New Year, Barbara! I so enjoy your writing, even though–due to my vision limitation now–I don’t usually read any issue in one sitting. I appreciate your sharing, your goal setting and summarizing your year as you’ve done here. May God bless your commitment to scriptural memorization as he uses his Word to guide your life’s path and share with those you meet along the way. Love and blessings to you and yours…

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